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Sunday Gathering

Starting at 10:00 A.M. on Sunday mornings, we gather to worship the one true God. After a brief listing of announcements and collecting gifts to the church, we spend time worshipping God by praising Him with our voices by singing a few Psalms and/or hymns. This is immediately followed by the sermon, where we worship God by learning from His Scriptures. Feel free to take notes on the back of your bulletin during the sermon, because we can guarantee you’ll learn something new with how in-depth these sermons are.  Again, don’t worry about kids being present. We would love nothing more for your whole family to learn the same lesson together, and we encourage you to talk about the gathering together on the way home so you can grow closer to God and to one another as a family. If a child is being fussy, and you don’t want to be a distraction, feel free to head downstairs to our nursery. After the sermon is over, we'll close with a hymn. We believe what our heads learn should affect our hearts, and that’s why we want to thank God for everything He’s taught us for the day.

Prayer and Bible Study

From 5:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday evenings, we gather for a less formal time where we discuss with one another anything we have been praying about. 

​© 2013 by Washington Heights Grace Brethren Church. all rights preserved.

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